Durian Production Farm
At Dice Empire Farms (DE-FALM), we recognize the increasing demand for durians, known as the “king of fruits,” international markets ( mainly in China). With its unique flavor and texture, durian has gained popularity among fruit enthusiasts, making it a lucrative opportunity for us.
We plan to initiate durian production in the coming year. Currently, we are actively searching for a suitable site that possesses the quality conditions necessary for successful durian cultivation. Ideal conditions include well-drained, fertile soil and a favorable climate, which are crucial for the healthy growth of durian trees.
As we embark on this new venture, our commitment remains to sustainable and organic farming practices. We will apply our knowledge and experience from other agricultural projects to ensure the highest quality of durians.
Sustainable Farming Practices
We use eco-friendly farming practices that promote soil health and minimize our impact on the environment.
Absolute Quality
Our avocados are grown using sustainable farming practices and are handpicked to ensure that only the best fruit makes it to market.
Experienced Team
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Generational Wealth
By owning a piece of farmland in our rich natural environment, you're contributing to a legacy that will last for generations to come.